Styling a Holiday Palette in a Non-Conventional Way

When working in a limited palette (like holiday), my approach is to overcome conventional styling so I can partake in the spirit of the holidays but still dress like myself. In this styling scenario, it’s important to lean on other design elements to elevate your style. I approached this look with deep consideration of the following ideas: 

  1. Concept juxtaposition. A Christmas palette is sunk deep in tradition and it’s hard NOT to see Christmas colors when you see red and green together. To off-set that pairing, I sat the palette next to a graphic and modern palette of black and white. 

  2. Including rich, saturated colors. When the palette is contrasted conceptually, it’s important to find connection as well- and in this case, the connection is in the saturation of color. I think the dynamic would have been lost if there had been wash or fabric effects.

  3. Fitting the green bag into the green color block. Had the beret been green and sweater red, I don’t think the impact would be as strong- however, I think a smooth black leather bag would have worked too.

  4. Contrast of fabrics. I love how the traditional portion is soft and wooly, giving us warm fuzzy feelings and the modern portion is drapey, smooth and chic. This is just another way to marry and reinforce the contrast between both ideas.

  5. A fun, unexpected nod to a Santa style boot with a black leather clog, complete with silver studs! I noticed this detail after we had shot the look but this little costume-y connection makes me so happy! It’s fun and lighthearted and that’s what the season is about, right?

Overall, when dressing within the parameters of a limited palette, whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Valentine’s Day, Lunar New Year, Ramadan, Pride, Fourth of July, Halloween, Diwali or any other fabulous tradition you celebrate- I try to find ways to add color, texture or shapes that feel right to myself without distracting from the holiday message.

Stay tuned here and sign up for my newsletter as I’ll be sharing exclusive full holiday layouts that follow this thinking!